Annual Charity Lunch 2017


The 8th Annual PICT lunch was held on Friday 3rd March 2017 in the new City Suite at the Riverbank Park Plaza hotel on London’s south bank.

The lunch followed the Trust’s AGM, which was held earlier in the same hotel (minutes from this meeting are further on in the newsletter).

After pre-lunch drinks, proceedings kicked off with Joe Piggott saying grace in his own inimitable manner. A venison terrine starter was closely followed by the usual and well-loved game of heads and tails, which was presided over by the industry’s own MC, Peter Bothwick. After only seven spins of the coin it was down to the last three standing guests, who were then asked to join Peter on the stage to decide the final outcome, Bothwick joked: “they look like the paper industry boy band ‘wrong direction’!”

Once the winning participants had retaken their seats, Andy Thompson joined Peter to announce details of the fundraising auction that would take place during the afternoon and, in fact, they took the opportunity to auction the first couple of items – namely 4 Ball Golf at Westerham and an overnight stay at the Park Plaza hotel.

An excellent addition to this year’s lunch - diners were treated to a couple of magicians going around the tables performing various magic tricks – which apart from being highly entertaining was also baffling as to how these tricks were performed in such close proximity. An interesting fact on this entertainment, which was provided by Essex Magicians, is that one of the magicians – Nick Brown – had changed his career from paper (working for both Howard Smith Paper and Antalis) to go into a career of full time magic – “Just like that!”

Anyway, back to the lunch itself, following a delicious Chicken Rossini main course, the auction then continued, with further top class items going under the hammer  – these included an England Rugby Training Shirt signed by the England squad; and two tours for four people of Sky TV Studios including lunch.

A delicious pudding of warm Victoria Plum Tart Tartin was then served, along with coffees and liqueurs. A quick comfort break and then it was the turn of Peter Bothwick to formally introduce PICT’s new President Joe Piggott to the diners in his own inimitable style that we have all come to expect.

He began by saying that Joe was born in Harrow – moved to Cornwall, and moved to the Midlands when he was still quite tall! And that he was an ardent Aston Villa fan. He continued by saying that Joe was renowned for his wines, adding: “He knows exactly the right wine to go with eight pints of Pedigree!”

With regards Joe’s career, he told the assembled diners that Joe had achieved 52 years in the paper industry. In summing up, Peter said that Joe would hold the office with immense enthusiasm.

Thanking Peter for his introduction, Joe Piggott then took to the podium and said that he was honoured to be PICT’s new President. He went on to thank everyone for their support of the Charity and especially the financial support “for those less fortunately than ourselves”. He went onto introduce his special guests at the dinner, who included amongst others, William Alden MBE DL, Clerk to The Stationers’ Company and Peter Millington, President of the Lancashire Paper Trade 25 Club.

Joe’s next task was to present Nick Gee with his past President’s badge, on doing so he said how Nick had been very supportive of all the sporting activities during his term, participating in the majority of events.

Following this, he went onto talk about PICT and its mission, commenting that the Charity was probably unique in Europe and possibly even the wider world in its achievements.  He added that the fun and friendships in the sporting sections were all raising monies for the charity. He then made a plea for the generous support of the charitable trust – mentioning that many colleagues’ lives are a struggle – and that members can help to alleviate these by not only participating in the auctions and events at the lunch but also participating in the sporting and other events during the year. Finishing his speech, Joe then went onto introduce the afternoon’s entertainer – Alfie Moore.

Taking the stage and setting the tone for the entertainment to follow, Alfie introduced himself as coming from the UK’s City of Culture – adding most people in Hull were quite shocked at this award – and that there are now City of Hull bus tours, which involve getting on a bus and driving straight to York!

A serving police sergeant, Alfie states he came from an engineering background, and was bought up on American cop shows – “unfortunately though I haven’t got the name – Dirty Harry sounds cool – but Dirty Alf ….!!” he quipped.

Talking of his career, he said that questions are often asked of him such as ‘why aren’t you out catching the real criminals?’ – “Too dangerous!!” he laughed.

Another anecdote during Alfie’s stories to cause much amusement was on discussing Tasers, he said that they are a good piece of protection – and on a positive note – they show that everyone has a dancing ability!!

Alfie Moore was definitely an excellent choice as an after lunch entertainer, he was very funny and droll and definitely gave a different perspective on the boys in blue…!! And everyone appeared to thoroughly enjoy it.

After the laughter had subsided and all had gained their composure, Peter Bothwick and Andy Thompson once again took to the stage to auction off the final items, which included boat trips; Rugby tickets; and the use of a villa in Turkey.

Rounding off the afternoon, President Joe Piggott presented the Charity’s Secretary Anne James with a bouquet of flowers, thanking her for all her hard work. He then added that the official proceedings had come to an end and that the rest of the afternoon was free for people to enjoy and network further. And that is exactly what they did, in the time-honoured tradition of the paper industry, in both the bar and the nearest public house until the small hours of the morning.

Once again, a brilliantly successful lunch raising funds for PICT and its charitable causes.