PICT – RIVER TEST – Monday 25th October 2021


Our event last year was very successful and despite the Covid regulations in place at the time, I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day. This year the regulations have been lifted but with a caution to act responsibly as the virus is still with us and will be for the foreseeable future.



1)  The Angling Trust updated the guidelines for Match Organisers on July 19th and if these are followed we should all remain safe and well. It doesn’t cover people falling in!

See their guidelines here:-  https://anglingtrust.net/covid-19/

 2)  If you are suffering any symptoms, persistent cough, temperature or loss of taste and/or smell please do not turn up.

3)  It is your responsibility to decide who to travel with, how many in a car, according to Government Guidelines.

4)  I do not want to be handling cheques or cash on the morning so please place cash, £45 plus donation if a non PICT member, in an envelope and seal it. One envelope per angler.

Please write your NAME in full, MOBILE PHONE No, CAR REGISTRATION No (even if you are not the driver), on the outside of the envelope. This is so that we can contact you on the day to move cars or for any other reason.

You will be able to drive up to the old car park by the fishing hut as well as using the normal parking area.

5)  I will be at the gate from 8.15 onwards to collect your envelopes, please leave spaces between cars and respect distancing, coming forward when the previous car has been dealt with. 

6) Please park sensibly and maintain social distancing, if possible have your rod made up or take your tackle to your chosen fishing spot.

7) We will be fishing the usual beats, which means that we should be able to space ourselves out along the 2.5 miles of often double sided  bank, with plenty of room between anglers.

8) Please ensure you make people aware if you have to pass them and be patient.

9)  If you catch a couple of fish from one swim please move on so that others can have a go 

10). You will need to bring your own lunch as we are miles from anywhere, as most of you will know

(11) I will be supplying hand sanitiser and wipes but make sure that you have your own requirements as necessary.

 (12)  Fishing for Brown Trout and Grayling - all fish to be returned.

(13)  Have you renewed your Rod Licences?

I hope that you will appreciate that the above have been set out in the best interest of everybody and so we all keep safe. I am sure that we will all be able to enjoy a great day and I look forward to seeing you on the day.

Should any new guidance come through from the Government in the next 3 weeks it may be necessary to amend the above.

If you have any queries please contact me

Please email me to let me know you are coming, with names of any guests: georgefowler464@gmail.com

Finally I will be away for the whole of September and will only have irregular access to the internet.